Saturday, December 26, 2009

When auto service centers offer to dispose of your used oil for you, what do they do with it?

Most of them now burn the oil in a furnace called Cleanburn. You might want to ask , especially if they are billing you for disposal fees. If they burn it and bill you ask them why?When auto service centers offer to dispose of your used oil for you, what do they do with it?
What I want to know is....where did you find a place that changes your oil and tries to give it back to you?When auto service centers offer to dispose of your used oil for you, what do they do with it?
It put in a Large Storage tank and picked up once or twice a month by a Recycler
There are laws requiring that they dispose of it properly so it does not end up in the soil or water. They send used oil to a recycling center.
It gets recycled.

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